"The Role of Auditor Style in Financial Statement Comparability"

Seminars - Seminars
12:30 - 14:00
Accounting Department Room 5-B3 SR01 5th floor

Curators' Professor, Robert J. Trulaske, Sr. Chair, & Director of Accountancy Ph.D. program Accountancy 
Trulaske College of Business

Jere R. Francis (PhD, University of New England, Australia ’82), is Curators' Professor and Trulaske Chair of Accounting, and Director of the School of Accountancy’s Ph.D. program. He teaches doctoral research seminars and the School’s 5th year capstone course, Accounting & Strategic Financial Analysis, a case-based course that inter-relates corporate strategy, accounting analysis, and business valuation.  Professor Francis serves on editorial boards of The Accounting Review, Review of Accounting Studies, and Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, and is Associate Editor at Contemporary Accounting Research.  His research examines the impact of auditing on the quality on corporate financial reports, and the role of institutions in explaining cross-country differences in the quality of accounting and auditing practices. 

Jere R. Francis

(University of Missouri)