Annita Florou

Florou Foto

I am a Professor of Accounting at Bocconi University. I am currently the Curriculum Coordinator of the Accounting PhD Programme and the Lead Faculty for the Transparency and Accountability research theme at Bocconi Lab for European Studies (BLEST). 

Prior to this, I held academic positions at London Business School, Queen Mary University of London and King’s College London.

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I am the Academic Advisor of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW); Editor of Journal of Business Finance and Accounting; and an Editorial Board Member of Accounting and Business Research, British Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Corporate Governance: An International Review and Journal of Accounting and Public Policy. I have received research grants from several organisations and the European Union. My research has been published in leading academic journals, including The Accounting Review and Review of Accounting Studies.

Research interests

My research interests include auditor regulation, auditor reporting, sustainability reporting and assurance, usefulness of financial statement Information, financial reporting enforcement, and capital market consequences of IFRS adoption.

Selected Publications