Claudia Imperatore

I was awarded a BSc degree in Business Administration from Seconda Università di Napoli, Italy, a M.Sc. in Accounting, Financial Management and Control from Università di Padova, Italy and a Ph.D in Management (specialized in Accounting) at IE Business School, Spain. I visited University of Chicago from 2014 to 2016.
I am Senior Editor of the ARC Team Events and Country Liaison for Italy at International Accounting Section of the American Accounting Association. I am also a member of the editorial board of European Accounting Review and Accounting and Business Research.
Research interests
My research focuses on family firms, ownership structure, real effects of accounting information, and economic uncertainty.
Selected Publications
Environmental awareness and shareholder proposals: the case of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE, ForthcomingFamily ownership and impression management: an integrated approach
EUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, ForthcomingEarnings management and investor protection during a banking crisis: the role of the "spare tire" effect
JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AUDITING & FINANCE, ForthcomingThe trade-off between mandatory and voluntary disclosure: evidence from oil companies’ risk reporting
JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AUDITING & FINANCE, 2023Financial reporting and the protection of socioemotional wealth in family-controlled firms
EUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 23(3): 387-402., 2014The dynamic of financial crises and its non-monotonic effects on earnings quality
JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AND PUBLIC POLICY, 33(3): 205-232., 2014Teaching