Miles Bernard Gietzmann

I am a Professor of Accounting and Director of the Department of Accounting at Bocconi University. I am the Director of Bocconi Blockchain which is located in the BIDSA research centre. Prior to moving to Milan I held academic positions at the University of Bristol, London School of Economics and Durham University.
I am an associate Editor of the Journal of Accounting and Public Policy.
Research interests
My research interests focus on nati and ng.
Selected Publications
The kind of silence: managing a reputation for voluntary disclosure in financial markets
ANNALS OF FINANCE, ForthcomingComment letter frequency and CFO turnover: a dynamic survival analysis
JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AUDITING & FINANCE, 31(1): 79-99., 2015Show me the money-cut: shareholder dividend suspensions and voluntary CEO pay cuts during the COVID pandemic
JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AND PUBLIC POLICY, 2021Blockchain and other distributed ledger technologies: where is the accounting?
JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AND PUBLIC POLICY, 2021Goodwill valuations certified by independent experts: bigger and cleaner impairments?
JOURNAL OF BUSINESS FINANCE & ACCOUNTING, 47(1-2): 27-51., 2020Vulture funds and the fresh start accounting value of firms emerging from bankruptcy
JOURNAL OF BUSINESS FINANCE & ACCOUNTING, 45(3-4): 410-436. , 2018The sound of silence: equilibrium filtering and optional censoring in financial markets
ADVANCES IN APPLIED PROBABILITY, 48(A): 119–144., 2016Teaching