Publications Forthcoming D’augusta, Carlo; Prencipe, AnnalisaAccruals quality, shocks to macro-uncertainty, and investor response to earnings newsEUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, Forthcoming Bonacchi, Massimiliano; Marra, Antonio; Shalev, RonThe effect of fair value accounting on firm public debt–evidence from business combinations under common controlEUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, Forthcoming Demeré, Paul; Li, Laura Yue; Lisowsky, Petro; Snyder, William R.Smoothing GAAP ETRs through tax accruals and the quality of financial reportingTHE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN TAXATION ASSOCIATION, Forthcoming Cameran, Mara; Campa, Domenico; Gabbioneta, Claudia; Pettinicchio, Angela KateDo ethnic minority audit partners face discrimination? Evidence from the Australian audit marketJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AUDITING & FINANCE, Forthcoming2025 Bogachek, Olga; Grossetti, FrancescoValue relevance of textual characteristics: evidence from annual reports of U.S. listed firms20252024 Florou, Annita; Shuai, YuanPublic audit oversight and audit pricing: evidence from the EUEUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 33(3), 1105–1137, 2024 Vincenzi, RobertoVoluntary disclosures and monetary policy: evidence from quantitative easingREVIEW OF ACCOUNTING STUDIES, 2024 Demere, Paul; Gramlich, Jeffrey; Nam, YoonsooDo U.S. multinationals use income shifting to facilitate and hide corruption?JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AND PUBLIC POLICY, 2024 Barnes B. G.; Cussatt M.; Demere P.; Harp N. L.Can a viral blunder damage auditor brand name reputation? Evidence from EnvelopegateJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AUDITING & FINANCE, 2024 Marra, Antonio; Pettinicchio, Angela; Shalev, RonHome sweet home: CEOs acquiring firms in their birth countriesJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 2024 De Vito, Antonio; Grossetti, FrancescoTax avoidance research : exploring networks and dynamics of global academic collaboration2024 Bogachek, Olga; Gietzmann, Miles; Grossetti, FrancescoRisk guidance and anti-corruption language: evidence from corporate codes of conductJOURNAL OF RISK RESEARCH, 20242023 Ivanova, Mariya N.; Prencipe, AnnalisaThe effects of board interlocks with an allegedly fraudulent company on audit feesJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING, AUDITING AND FINANCE, 38(2): 271-301, 2023 D’augusta, Carlo; Grossetti, FrancescoHow did Covid-19 affect investors’ interpretation of earnings news? The role of accounting conservatismFINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS, 2023 Olga Bogachek; Miles Gietzmann; Francesco Grossetti Risk Guidance and Anti-Corruption Language: Evidence from Corporate Codes of ConductJournal of Risk Research Carlo D'Augusta; Antonio De Vito; Francesco Grossetti Words and numbers: A disagreement story from post-earnings announcement return and volume patternsFinance Research Letters Ferrari, Biones; Lombardi Stocchetti, GianlucaValutazione delle passività finanziarie: il metodo del costo ammortizzatoBILANCIO E REVISIONE, 2023 Pope, Peter F.; Wang, TongAnalyst ability and research effort: non-EPS forecast provision as a research quality signalREVIEW OF ACCOUNTING STUDIES, 2023 Arena, Claudia; Bozzolan, Saverio; Imperatore, ClaudiaThe trade-off between mandatory and voluntary disclosure: evidence from oil companies’ risk reportingJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AUDITING & FINANCE, 2023 Franco MiroglioMisurare il costo della compliance ambientaleOLTRE, 2023 Miroglio, FrancoBasic principles of managerial accounting2023 Koller V.; Wu X.Analysts' identity negotiations and politeness behaviour in earnings calls of US firms with extreme earnings changesCORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS, 2023 Bianchi P. A.; Causholli M.; Minutti-Meza M.; Sulcaj V.Social Networks Analysis in Accounting and Finance*CONTEMPORARY ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 2023 Cameran, Mara; Campa, DomenicoGender equality in the workplace and market performance: a preliminary analysis from FranceINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE, 20232022 D'Augusta, CarloDoes accounting conservatism make good news forecasts more credible and bad news forecasts less alarming?JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AUDITING & FINANCE, 37(1):77-113., 2022 Minichilli, Alessandro; Prencipe, Annalisa; Radhakrishnan, Suresh; Siciliano, GianfrancoWhat’s in a name? Eponymous private firms and financial reporting qualityMANAGEMENT SCIENCE, 2022 Calabrò, Andrea; Cameran, Mara; Campa, Domenico ; Angela PettinicchioFinancial reporting in family firms: a socioemotional wealth approach toward information qualityJOURNAL OF SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, 60(4): 926-960, 2022 Chu, Jenny; Florou, Annita; Pope, Peter F.Auditor university education: does it matter?EUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 31(4), 787–818., 2022 Penman, Stephen; Zhu, JulieAn accounting-based asset pricing model and a fundamental factorJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AND ECONOMICS, 73(1-2), 2022 Lewis, Craig M.; Grossetti, FrancescoA statistical approach for optimal topic model identificationJOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING RESEARCH, 2022 Pozza, Lorenzo; Cavallaro, AlessandroLa stima del fair value degli strumenti finanziari nel contesto di piani di incentivazione al managementRIVISTA DEI DOTTORI COMMERCIALISTI, 2022 Barrios J. M.; Bianchi P. A.; Isidro H.; Nanda D.Boards of a Feather: Homophily in Foreign Director Appointments Around the WorldJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 20222021 Bartov, Eli; Marra, Antonio; Momente, FrancescoCorporate Social Responsibility and the market reaction to negative events: evidence from inadvertent and fraudulent restatement announcementsACCOUNTING REVIEW, 96(2): 81-106., 2021 Caglio, Ariela; Ditillo, AngeloReviewing interorganizational management accounting and control literature: a new lookJOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 33(1): 149-169. , 2021 Fu, Xi; Wu, Xiaoxi; Zhang, ZhifangThe information role of earnings conference call tone: evidence from stock price crash riskJOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, 173: 643–660., 2021 Gietzmann, Miles; Isidro, Helena; Raonic, IvanaThe rise of covenant-lite bond contractingJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AUDITING & FINANCE, 2021 Martens, Tim; Sextroh, Christoph J.Analyst coverage overlaps and interfirm information spilloversJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 59(4): 1425-1480, 2021 Mehta, Mihir N.; Reeb, David M.; Zhao, WanliShadow tradingACCOUNTING REVIEW, 96 (4): 367–404., 2021 Bianchi, Pietro A.; Marra, Antonio; Masciandaro, Donato; Pecchiari, NicolaOrganized crime and firms' financial statements: evidence from criminal investigations in ItalyACCOUNTING REVIEW, 2021 Derchi, Giovanni-Battista; Zoni, Laura; Dossi, AndreaCorporate social responsibility performance, incentives, and learning effectsJOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, 173: 617–641, 2021 Battauz, Anna; Gatti, Stefano; Prencipe, Annalisa; Viarengo, LucaEarnouts: the real value of disagreement in mergers and acquisitionsEuropean Financial Management, Volume 27, Issue 5, Pages 981-1024, November, 2021 Kalogirou, Fani; Kiosse, Paraskevi V.; Pope, Peter F.Pension deficits and corporate financial policy: does accounting transparency matter?EUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 30(4): 801-825, 2021 Marra, AntonioAll that glitters is not gold! Independent directors' attributes and earnings quality: beyond formal independenceCORPORATE GOVERNANCE, 29(6): 567-592, 2021 Reeb, David M.; Zhao, WanliDisregarding the shoulders of giants: inferences from innovation researchTHE REVIEW OF CORPORATE FINANCE STUDIES, 2021 Penman, Stephen; Zhang, Xiao-Jun Connecting book rate of return to risk and return: the information conveyed by conservative accountingREVIEW OF ACCOUNTING STUDIES, 26(1): 391-423, 2021 Penman, StephenAccounting for riskFOUNDATIONS AND TRENDS IN ACCOUNTING, 15(4): 373-507, 2021 Pozza, Lorenzo; Cavallaro, AlessandroLe stime di fair value secondo i criteri analitici e di mercato: il riconoscimento del tax amortization benefitRIVISTA DEI DOTTORI COMMERCIALISTI, 20212020 D'Augusta, Carlo; Deangelis, Matthew D.Does accounting conservatism discipline qualitative disclosure? Evidence fom tone management in the MD&ACONTEMPORARY ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 37(4): 2287-2318.., 2020 D'Augusta, Carlo; Deangelis, Matthew D.Tone concavity around expected earningsACCOUNTING REVIEW, 95 (1): 133–164., 2020 Florou, Annita; Morricone, Serena; Pope, Peter F.Proactive financial reporting enforcement: audit fees and financial reporting quality effectsACCOUNTING REVIEW, 95(2): 167-197., 2020 Hiemann, MoritzEarnings and firm value in the presence of real optionsACCOUNTING REVIEW, 95 (6): 263–289, 2020 Gietzmann, Miles; Wang, YeGoodwill valuations certified by independent experts: bigger and cleaner impairments?JOURNAL OF BUSINESS FINANCE & ACCOUNTING, 47(1-2): 27-51., 2020 Mehta, Mihir N.; Zhao, WanliPolitician careers and SEC enforcement against financial misconductJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING & ECONOMICS, 69 (1-2)., 2020 Mehta, Mihir N.; Srinivasan, Suraj; Zhao, WanliThe politics of M&A antitrustJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 58: 5-53. , 2020 Reeb, David M.; Zhao, WanliPatents do not measure innovation successCRITICAL FINANCE REVIEW, 9(1–2): 157–199., 2020 Cameran, Mara; Campa, Domenico; Francis, Jere R.The relative importance of auditor characteristics versus client factors in explaining audit qualityJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AUDITING & FINANCE, 2020 Caglio, Ariela; Melloni, Gaia; Perego, PaoloInformational content and assurance of textual disclosures: evidence on integrated reportingEUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 29(1): 55-83., 2020 Cameran, Mara; Campa, DomenicoVoluntary IFRS Adoption by Unlisted European firms: impact on earnings quality and cost of debtINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING, 55(3)., 2020 Barker, Richard; Penman, StephenMoving the conceptual framework forward: accounting for uncertaintyCONTEMPORARY ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 37(1): 322–357., 2020 Penman, Stephen; Zhang, Xiao-JunA theoretical analysis connecting conservative accounting to the cost of capitalJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AND ECONOMICS, 69(1):1-25., 2020 Bianchi P. A.; Carrera N.; Trombetta M.The Effects of Auditor Social and Human Capital on Auditor Compensation: Evidence from the Italian Small Audit Firm MarketEUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 20202019 Bar-Yosef, Sasson; D’augusta, Carlo; Prencipe, AnnalisaAccounting research on private firms: state of the art and future directionsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING, 54(2)., 2019 D'Augusta, Carlo; Redigolo, GiuliaDo firms use early guidance to disclose the effect of conservatism on future earnings?REVIEW OF ACCOUNTING & FINANCE, 18(3): 432 – 455., 2019 Scalvini, Simonetta; Grossetti, Francesco; Paganoni, Anna Maria; Teresa La Rovere, Maria; Pedretti, Roberto Fe; Frigerio, MariaImpact of in-hospital cardiac rehabilitation on mortality and readmissions in heart failure: A population study in Lombardy, Italy, from 2005 to 2012EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PREVENTIVE CARDIOLOGY, 26(8): 808-817., 2019 Bonacchi, Massimiliano ; Marra, Antonio ; Zarowin, PaulOrganizational structure and earnings quality of private and public firmsREVIEW OF ACCOUNTING STUDIES, 24(3): 1066-1113. , 2019 Brown, Rodney J.; Jorgensen, Bjorn N.; Pope, Peter F.The interplay between mandatory country-by-country reporting, geographic segment reporting, and tax havens: evidence from the European UnionJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AND PUBLIC POLICY, 38(2): 106-129., 2019 Carter, Mary Ellen; Franco, Francesca; Tuna, IremMatching premiums in the executive labor marketACCOUNTING REVIEW, 94(6): 4-28, 2019 Bianchi P. A.; Falsetta D.; Minutti-Meza M.; Weisbrod E.Joint audit engagements and client tax avoidance: evidence from the italian statutory audit regimeTHE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN TAXATION ASSOCIATION, 20192018 Aretz, Kevin; Pope, Peter F.Real options models of the firm, capacity overhang, and the cross section of stock returnsTHE JOURNAL OF FINANCE, 73(3): 1363-1415., 2018 Cameran, Mara; Ditillo, Angelo; Pettinicchio, AngelaAudit team attributes matter: how diversity affects audit qualityEUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 27(4): 595-621. , 2018 Caglio, Ariela; Dossi, Andrea; Van Der Stede, Wim A.CFO role and CFO compensation: an empirical analysis of their implicationsJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AND PUBLIC POLICY, 37(4): 265-281., 2018 Caglio, ArielaTo disclose or not to disclose? An investigation of the antecedents and effects of open book accountingEUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 27(2): 263-287., 2018 Gietzmann, Miles; Isidro, Helena; Raonic, IvanaVulture funds and the fresh start accounting value of firms emerging from bankruptcyJOURNAL OF BUSINESS FINANCE & ACCOUNTING, 45(3-4): 410-436. , 2018 Intintoli, Vincent J.; Kahle, Kathleen M.; Zhao, WanliDirector connectedness: monitoring efficacy and career prospectsJOURNAL OF FINANCIAL AND QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS, 53: 65-108., 2018 Koh, Ping-Sheng; Reeb, David M.; Zhao, WanliCEO confidence and unreported R&DMANAGEMENT SCIENCE, 64: 5725-5747., 2018 Viarengo, Luca G.; Gatti, Stefano; Prencipe, AnnalisaEnforcement quality and the use of earnouts in M&A transactions: international evidenceJournal of Business Finance & Accounting, 45(3-4): 437-481, 20182017 Baginski, Stephen Paul; Bozzolan, Saverio; Marra, Antonio; Mazzola, PietroStrategy, valuation, and forecast accuracy: evidence from italian strategic plan disclosuresEUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 26(2): 341–378., 2017 Caglio, Ariela; Cameran, MaraIs it shameful to be an accountant? GenMe perception(s) of accountants’ ethicsABACUS, 53(1): 1–27., 2017 Dossi, Andrea; Longo, Francesco; Lecci, Francesca; Morelli, MarcoHospital acquisitions, parenting styles and management accounting change: an institutional perspectiveHEALTH SERVICES MANAGEMENT RESEARCH, 30(1): 22-33., 2017 Florou, Annita; Kosi, Urska; Pope, Peter F.Are international accounting standards more credit relevant than domestic standards?ACCOUNTING AND BUSINESS RESEARCH, 47(1): 1-29., 2017 Francis, Jere R.; Mehta, Mihir N.; Zhao, WanliAudit office reputation shocks from gains and losses of major industry clientsCONTEMPORARY ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 34(4): 1922–1974., 2017 Melloni, Gaia; Caglio, Ariela; Perego, PaoloSaying more with less? Disclosure conciseness, completeness and balance in Integrated ReportsJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AND PUBLIC POLICY, 36(3): 220–238., 2017 Carter, Mary E.; Franco, Francesca; Gine, MireiaExecutive gender pay gaps: the roles of female risk aversion and board representationCONTEMPORARY ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 2017 Franco, Francesca; Ittner, Christopher D.; Urcan, OktayDeterminants and trading performance of equity deferrals by corporate outside directorsMANAGEMENT SCIENCE, 63(1): 114-138, 2017 Carter, Mary Ellen; Franco, Francesca; Gine, MireiaExecutive gender pay gaps: the roles of female risk aversion and board representationCONTEMPORARY ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 2017 Pietro Andrea Bianchi FedrigoniAuditors' Joint Engagements and Audit Quality: Evidence from Italian Private CompaniesCONTEMPORARY ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 20172016 Davila, Antonio; Ditillo, AngeloManagement control systems and creativityTHE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION, , 29(3): 27–47. , 2016 D'Augusta, Carlo; Bar-Yosef, Sasson; Prencipe, AnnalisaThe effects of conservative reporting on investor disagreementEUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 25(3): 451-485., 2016 Ditillo, AngeloDiscussion of collaborative performance management in interfirm relationshipsJOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 28 (3): 49–54., 2016 Ditillo, Angelo; Lisi, Irene E.Exploring sustainability control systems’ integration: the relevance of sustainability orientationJOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 28(2): 125-148., 2016 Gietzmann, Miles; Ostaszewski, Adam J.The sound of silence: equilibrium filtering and optional censoring in financial marketsADVANCES IN APPLIED PROBABILITY, 48(A): 119–144., 2016 Konstantinidi, Theodosia K.; Pope, Peter F.Forecasting risk in earningsCONTEMPORARY ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 33(2): 487-525., 2016 Konstantinidi, Theodosia; Kraft, Arthur; Pope, Peter F.Asymmetric persistence and the market pricing of accruals and cash flowsABACUS, 52(1): 140-165., 2016 Marra, AntonioThe pros and cons of fair value accounting in a globalized economy: a never ending debateJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AUDITING & FINANCE, 31(4): 582-591., 20162015 Momentè, Francesco; Reggiani, Francesco; Richardson, ScottAccruals and future performance: can it be attributed to risk?REVIEW OF ACCOUNTING STUDIES, 20(4): 1297-1333., 2015 Garegnani, Giovanni Maria; Merlotti, Emilia Piera; Russo, AngeloantonioScoring firms' codes of ethics: an explorative study of quality driversJOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, 126: 541–557., 2015 Cameran, Mara; Francis, Jere R.; Marra, Antonio; Pettinicchio, AngelaAre There Adverse Consequences of Mandatory Auditor Rotation?Evidence from the Italian ExperienceAUDITING, 34 (1): 1-24., 2015 Florou, Annita; Kosi, UrskaDoes mandatory IFRS adoption facilitate debt financing?REVIEW OF ACCOUNTING STUDIES, 20: 1407–1456, 2015 Gietzmann, Miles; Marra, Antonio; Pettinicchio, AngelaComment letter frequency and CFO turnover: a dynamic survival analysisJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AUDITING & FINANCE, 31(1): 79-99., 20152014 Gietzmann, MilesExternal auditor reassessment of client business risk following the issuance of a comment letter by the SECEUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 23(1): 57-85., 20142012 Livatino, Massimo; N. Pecchiari; G. PoglianiPrincipi e metodologie di auditing20122010 Florou, AnnitaThe role of taxes in compensation: a case of shareholder expropriationEUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 19(2), 343–374, 20102006 Miroglio, Franco FlavioCheck-up e progettazione del Sistema di Amministrazione e Controllo20062005 Cameran, Mara; Livatino, MassimoConclusioniLa reputazione delle società di revisione operanti in Italia: premium price, criteri di selezione e opinioni dei clienti., 20052004 Buso, Paola; Cameran, Mara; Livatino, Massimo; Prencipe, Annalisa; Tettamanzi, PatriziaContabilità e bilancio. Esercizi2004 Buso, Paola; Cameran, Mara; Livatino, Massimo; Prencipe, Annalisa; Tettamanzi, PatriziaContabilità e bilancio. Esercizi20042002 Buso, Paola; Cameran, Mara; Livatino, Massimo; Prencipe, Annalisa; Tettamanzi, PatriziaContabilità e bilancio: Esercizi (6 crediti)20022001 Cameran, Mara; Livatino, Massimo; Prencipe, Annalisa; Tettamanzi, PatriziaContabilità e bilancio. Esercizi e temi d’esame2001
D’augusta, Carlo; Prencipe, AnnalisaAccruals quality, shocks to macro-uncertainty, and investor response to earnings newsEUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, Forthcoming
Bonacchi, Massimiliano; Marra, Antonio; Shalev, RonThe effect of fair value accounting on firm public debt–evidence from business combinations under common controlEUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, Forthcoming
Demeré, Paul; Li, Laura Yue; Lisowsky, Petro; Snyder, William R.Smoothing GAAP ETRs through tax accruals and the quality of financial reportingTHE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN TAXATION ASSOCIATION, Forthcoming
Cameran, Mara; Campa, Domenico; Gabbioneta, Claudia; Pettinicchio, Angela KateDo ethnic minority audit partners face discrimination? Evidence from the Australian audit marketJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AUDITING & FINANCE, Forthcoming
Bogachek, Olga; Grossetti, FrancescoValue relevance of textual characteristics: evidence from annual reports of U.S. listed firms2025
Florou, Annita; Shuai, YuanPublic audit oversight and audit pricing: evidence from the EUEUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 33(3), 1105–1137, 2024
Vincenzi, RobertoVoluntary disclosures and monetary policy: evidence from quantitative easingREVIEW OF ACCOUNTING STUDIES, 2024
Demere, Paul; Gramlich, Jeffrey; Nam, YoonsooDo U.S. multinationals use income shifting to facilitate and hide corruption?JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AND PUBLIC POLICY, 2024
Barnes B. G.; Cussatt M.; Demere P.; Harp N. L.Can a viral blunder damage auditor brand name reputation? Evidence from EnvelopegateJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AUDITING & FINANCE, 2024
Marra, Antonio; Pettinicchio, Angela; Shalev, RonHome sweet home: CEOs acquiring firms in their birth countriesJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 2024
De Vito, Antonio; Grossetti, FrancescoTax avoidance research : exploring networks and dynamics of global academic collaboration2024
Bogachek, Olga; Gietzmann, Miles; Grossetti, FrancescoRisk guidance and anti-corruption language: evidence from corporate codes of conductJOURNAL OF RISK RESEARCH, 2024
Ivanova, Mariya N.; Prencipe, AnnalisaThe effects of board interlocks with an allegedly fraudulent company on audit feesJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING, AUDITING AND FINANCE, 38(2): 271-301, 2023
D’augusta, Carlo; Grossetti, FrancescoHow did Covid-19 affect investors’ interpretation of earnings news? The role of accounting conservatismFINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS, 2023
Olga Bogachek; Miles Gietzmann; Francesco Grossetti Risk Guidance and Anti-Corruption Language: Evidence from Corporate Codes of ConductJournal of Risk Research
Carlo D'Augusta; Antonio De Vito; Francesco Grossetti Words and numbers: A disagreement story from post-earnings announcement return and volume patternsFinance Research Letters
Ferrari, Biones; Lombardi Stocchetti, GianlucaValutazione delle passività finanziarie: il metodo del costo ammortizzatoBILANCIO E REVISIONE, 2023
Pope, Peter F.; Wang, TongAnalyst ability and research effort: non-EPS forecast provision as a research quality signalREVIEW OF ACCOUNTING STUDIES, 2023
Arena, Claudia; Bozzolan, Saverio; Imperatore, ClaudiaThe trade-off between mandatory and voluntary disclosure: evidence from oil companies’ risk reportingJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AUDITING & FINANCE, 2023
Koller V.; Wu X.Analysts' identity negotiations and politeness behaviour in earnings calls of US firms with extreme earnings changesCORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS, 2023
Bianchi P. A.; Causholli M.; Minutti-Meza M.; Sulcaj V.Social Networks Analysis in Accounting and Finance*CONTEMPORARY ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 2023
Cameran, Mara; Campa, DomenicoGender equality in the workplace and market performance: a preliminary analysis from FranceINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE, 2023
D'Augusta, CarloDoes accounting conservatism make good news forecasts more credible and bad news forecasts less alarming?JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AUDITING & FINANCE, 37(1):77-113., 2022
Minichilli, Alessandro; Prencipe, Annalisa; Radhakrishnan, Suresh; Siciliano, GianfrancoWhat’s in a name? Eponymous private firms and financial reporting qualityMANAGEMENT SCIENCE, 2022
Calabrò, Andrea; Cameran, Mara; Campa, Domenico ; Angela PettinicchioFinancial reporting in family firms: a socioemotional wealth approach toward information qualityJOURNAL OF SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, 60(4): 926-960, 2022
Chu, Jenny; Florou, Annita; Pope, Peter F.Auditor university education: does it matter?EUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 31(4), 787–818., 2022
Penman, Stephen; Zhu, JulieAn accounting-based asset pricing model and a fundamental factorJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AND ECONOMICS, 73(1-2), 2022
Lewis, Craig M.; Grossetti, FrancescoA statistical approach for optimal topic model identificationJOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING RESEARCH, 2022
Pozza, Lorenzo; Cavallaro, AlessandroLa stima del fair value degli strumenti finanziari nel contesto di piani di incentivazione al managementRIVISTA DEI DOTTORI COMMERCIALISTI, 2022
Barrios J. M.; Bianchi P. A.; Isidro H.; Nanda D.Boards of a Feather: Homophily in Foreign Director Appointments Around the WorldJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 2022
Bartov, Eli; Marra, Antonio; Momente, FrancescoCorporate Social Responsibility and the market reaction to negative events: evidence from inadvertent and fraudulent restatement announcementsACCOUNTING REVIEW, 96(2): 81-106., 2021
Caglio, Ariela; Ditillo, AngeloReviewing interorganizational management accounting and control literature: a new lookJOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 33(1): 149-169. , 2021
Fu, Xi; Wu, Xiaoxi; Zhang, ZhifangThe information role of earnings conference call tone: evidence from stock price crash riskJOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, 173: 643–660., 2021
Gietzmann, Miles; Isidro, Helena; Raonic, IvanaThe rise of covenant-lite bond contractingJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AUDITING & FINANCE, 2021
Martens, Tim; Sextroh, Christoph J.Analyst coverage overlaps and interfirm information spilloversJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 59(4): 1425-1480, 2021
Bianchi, Pietro A.; Marra, Antonio; Masciandaro, Donato; Pecchiari, NicolaOrganized crime and firms' financial statements: evidence from criminal investigations in ItalyACCOUNTING REVIEW, 2021
Derchi, Giovanni-Battista; Zoni, Laura; Dossi, AndreaCorporate social responsibility performance, incentives, and learning effectsJOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, 173: 617–641, 2021
Battauz, Anna; Gatti, Stefano; Prencipe, Annalisa; Viarengo, LucaEarnouts: the real value of disagreement in mergers and acquisitionsEuropean Financial Management, Volume 27, Issue 5, Pages 981-1024, November, 2021
Kalogirou, Fani; Kiosse, Paraskevi V.; Pope, Peter F.Pension deficits and corporate financial policy: does accounting transparency matter?EUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 30(4): 801-825, 2021
Marra, AntonioAll that glitters is not gold! Independent directors' attributes and earnings quality: beyond formal independenceCORPORATE GOVERNANCE, 29(6): 567-592, 2021
Reeb, David M.; Zhao, WanliDisregarding the shoulders of giants: inferences from innovation researchTHE REVIEW OF CORPORATE FINANCE STUDIES, 2021
Penman, Stephen; Zhang, Xiao-Jun Connecting book rate of return to risk and return: the information conveyed by conservative accountingREVIEW OF ACCOUNTING STUDIES, 26(1): 391-423, 2021
Pozza, Lorenzo; Cavallaro, AlessandroLe stime di fair value secondo i criteri analitici e di mercato: il riconoscimento del tax amortization benefitRIVISTA DEI DOTTORI COMMERCIALISTI, 2021
D'Augusta, Carlo; Deangelis, Matthew D.Does accounting conservatism discipline qualitative disclosure? Evidence fom tone management in the MD&ACONTEMPORARY ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 37(4): 2287-2318.., 2020
D'Augusta, Carlo; Deangelis, Matthew D.Tone concavity around expected earningsACCOUNTING REVIEW, 95 (1): 133–164., 2020
Florou, Annita; Morricone, Serena; Pope, Peter F.Proactive financial reporting enforcement: audit fees and financial reporting quality effectsACCOUNTING REVIEW, 95(2): 167-197., 2020
Hiemann, MoritzEarnings and firm value in the presence of real optionsACCOUNTING REVIEW, 95 (6): 263–289, 2020
Gietzmann, Miles; Wang, YeGoodwill valuations certified by independent experts: bigger and cleaner impairments?JOURNAL OF BUSINESS FINANCE & ACCOUNTING, 47(1-2): 27-51., 2020
Mehta, Mihir N.; Zhao, WanliPolitician careers and SEC enforcement against financial misconductJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING & ECONOMICS, 69 (1-2)., 2020
Mehta, Mihir N.; Srinivasan, Suraj; Zhao, WanliThe politics of M&A antitrustJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 58: 5-53. , 2020
Reeb, David M.; Zhao, WanliPatents do not measure innovation successCRITICAL FINANCE REVIEW, 9(1–2): 157–199., 2020
Cameran, Mara; Campa, Domenico; Francis, Jere R.The relative importance of auditor characteristics versus client factors in explaining audit qualityJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AUDITING & FINANCE, 2020
Caglio, Ariela; Melloni, Gaia; Perego, PaoloInformational content and assurance of textual disclosures: evidence on integrated reportingEUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 29(1): 55-83., 2020
Cameran, Mara; Campa, DomenicoVoluntary IFRS Adoption by Unlisted European firms: impact on earnings quality and cost of debtINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING, 55(3)., 2020
Barker, Richard; Penman, StephenMoving the conceptual framework forward: accounting for uncertaintyCONTEMPORARY ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 37(1): 322–357., 2020
Penman, Stephen; Zhang, Xiao-JunA theoretical analysis connecting conservative accounting to the cost of capitalJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AND ECONOMICS, 69(1):1-25., 2020
Bianchi P. A.; Carrera N.; Trombetta M.The Effects of Auditor Social and Human Capital on Auditor Compensation: Evidence from the Italian Small Audit Firm MarketEUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 2020
Bar-Yosef, Sasson; D’augusta, Carlo; Prencipe, AnnalisaAccounting research on private firms: state of the art and future directionsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING, 54(2)., 2019
D'Augusta, Carlo; Redigolo, GiuliaDo firms use early guidance to disclose the effect of conservatism on future earnings?REVIEW OF ACCOUNTING & FINANCE, 18(3): 432 – 455., 2019
Scalvini, Simonetta; Grossetti, Francesco; Paganoni, Anna Maria; Teresa La Rovere, Maria; Pedretti, Roberto Fe; Frigerio, MariaImpact of in-hospital cardiac rehabilitation on mortality and readmissions in heart failure: A population study in Lombardy, Italy, from 2005 to 2012EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PREVENTIVE CARDIOLOGY, 26(8): 808-817., 2019
Bonacchi, Massimiliano ; Marra, Antonio ; Zarowin, PaulOrganizational structure and earnings quality of private and public firmsREVIEW OF ACCOUNTING STUDIES, 24(3): 1066-1113. , 2019
Brown, Rodney J.; Jorgensen, Bjorn N.; Pope, Peter F.The interplay between mandatory country-by-country reporting, geographic segment reporting, and tax havens: evidence from the European UnionJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AND PUBLIC POLICY, 38(2): 106-129., 2019
Carter, Mary Ellen; Franco, Francesca; Tuna, IremMatching premiums in the executive labor marketACCOUNTING REVIEW, 94(6): 4-28, 2019
Bianchi P. A.; Falsetta D.; Minutti-Meza M.; Weisbrod E.Joint audit engagements and client tax avoidance: evidence from the italian statutory audit regimeTHE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN TAXATION ASSOCIATION, 2019
Aretz, Kevin; Pope, Peter F.Real options models of the firm, capacity overhang, and the cross section of stock returnsTHE JOURNAL OF FINANCE, 73(3): 1363-1415., 2018
Cameran, Mara; Ditillo, Angelo; Pettinicchio, AngelaAudit team attributes matter: how diversity affects audit qualityEUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 27(4): 595-621. , 2018
Caglio, Ariela; Dossi, Andrea; Van Der Stede, Wim A.CFO role and CFO compensation: an empirical analysis of their implicationsJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AND PUBLIC POLICY, 37(4): 265-281., 2018
Caglio, ArielaTo disclose or not to disclose? An investigation of the antecedents and effects of open book accountingEUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 27(2): 263-287., 2018
Gietzmann, Miles; Isidro, Helena; Raonic, IvanaVulture funds and the fresh start accounting value of firms emerging from bankruptcyJOURNAL OF BUSINESS FINANCE & ACCOUNTING, 45(3-4): 410-436. , 2018
Intintoli, Vincent J.; Kahle, Kathleen M.; Zhao, WanliDirector connectedness: monitoring efficacy and career prospectsJOURNAL OF FINANCIAL AND QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS, 53: 65-108., 2018
Koh, Ping-Sheng; Reeb, David M.; Zhao, WanliCEO confidence and unreported R&DMANAGEMENT SCIENCE, 64: 5725-5747., 2018
Viarengo, Luca G.; Gatti, Stefano; Prencipe, AnnalisaEnforcement quality and the use of earnouts in M&A transactions: international evidenceJournal of Business Finance & Accounting, 45(3-4): 437-481, 2018
Baginski, Stephen Paul; Bozzolan, Saverio; Marra, Antonio; Mazzola, PietroStrategy, valuation, and forecast accuracy: evidence from italian strategic plan disclosuresEUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 26(2): 341–378., 2017
Caglio, Ariela; Cameran, MaraIs it shameful to be an accountant? GenMe perception(s) of accountants’ ethicsABACUS, 53(1): 1–27., 2017
Dossi, Andrea; Longo, Francesco; Lecci, Francesca; Morelli, MarcoHospital acquisitions, parenting styles and management accounting change: an institutional perspectiveHEALTH SERVICES MANAGEMENT RESEARCH, 30(1): 22-33., 2017
Florou, Annita; Kosi, Urska; Pope, Peter F.Are international accounting standards more credit relevant than domestic standards?ACCOUNTING AND BUSINESS RESEARCH, 47(1): 1-29., 2017
Francis, Jere R.; Mehta, Mihir N.; Zhao, WanliAudit office reputation shocks from gains and losses of major industry clientsCONTEMPORARY ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 34(4): 1922–1974., 2017
Melloni, Gaia; Caglio, Ariela; Perego, PaoloSaying more with less? Disclosure conciseness, completeness and balance in Integrated ReportsJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AND PUBLIC POLICY, 36(3): 220–238., 2017
Carter, Mary E.; Franco, Francesca; Gine, MireiaExecutive gender pay gaps: the roles of female risk aversion and board representationCONTEMPORARY ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 2017
Franco, Francesca; Ittner, Christopher D.; Urcan, OktayDeterminants and trading performance of equity deferrals by corporate outside directorsMANAGEMENT SCIENCE, 63(1): 114-138, 2017
Carter, Mary Ellen; Franco, Francesca; Gine, MireiaExecutive gender pay gaps: the roles of female risk aversion and board representationCONTEMPORARY ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 2017
Pietro Andrea Bianchi FedrigoniAuditors' Joint Engagements and Audit Quality: Evidence from Italian Private CompaniesCONTEMPORARY ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 2017
Davila, Antonio; Ditillo, AngeloManagement control systems and creativityTHE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION, , 29(3): 27–47. , 2016
D'Augusta, Carlo; Bar-Yosef, Sasson; Prencipe, AnnalisaThe effects of conservative reporting on investor disagreementEUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 25(3): 451-485., 2016
Ditillo, AngeloDiscussion of collaborative performance management in interfirm relationshipsJOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 28 (3): 49–54., 2016
Ditillo, Angelo; Lisi, Irene E.Exploring sustainability control systems’ integration: the relevance of sustainability orientationJOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 28(2): 125-148., 2016
Gietzmann, Miles; Ostaszewski, Adam J.The sound of silence: equilibrium filtering and optional censoring in financial marketsADVANCES IN APPLIED PROBABILITY, 48(A): 119–144., 2016
Konstantinidi, Theodosia K.; Pope, Peter F.Forecasting risk in earningsCONTEMPORARY ACCOUNTING RESEARCH, 33(2): 487-525., 2016
Konstantinidi, Theodosia; Kraft, Arthur; Pope, Peter F.Asymmetric persistence and the market pricing of accruals and cash flowsABACUS, 52(1): 140-165., 2016
Marra, AntonioThe pros and cons of fair value accounting in a globalized economy: a never ending debateJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AUDITING & FINANCE, 31(4): 582-591., 2016
Momentè, Francesco; Reggiani, Francesco; Richardson, ScottAccruals and future performance: can it be attributed to risk?REVIEW OF ACCOUNTING STUDIES, 20(4): 1297-1333., 2015
Garegnani, Giovanni Maria; Merlotti, Emilia Piera; Russo, AngeloantonioScoring firms' codes of ethics: an explorative study of quality driversJOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, 126: 541–557., 2015
Cameran, Mara; Francis, Jere R.; Marra, Antonio; Pettinicchio, AngelaAre There Adverse Consequences of Mandatory Auditor Rotation?Evidence from the Italian ExperienceAUDITING, 34 (1): 1-24., 2015
Florou, Annita; Kosi, UrskaDoes mandatory IFRS adoption facilitate debt financing?REVIEW OF ACCOUNTING STUDIES, 20: 1407–1456, 2015
Gietzmann, Miles; Marra, Antonio; Pettinicchio, AngelaComment letter frequency and CFO turnover: a dynamic survival analysisJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AUDITING & FINANCE, 31(1): 79-99., 2015
Gietzmann, MilesExternal auditor reassessment of client business risk following the issuance of a comment letter by the SECEUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 23(1): 57-85., 2014
Florou, AnnitaThe role of taxes in compensation: a case of shareholder expropriationEUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 19(2), 343–374, 2010
Cameran, Mara; Livatino, MassimoConclusioniLa reputazione delle società di revisione operanti in Italia: premium price, criteri di selezione e opinioni dei clienti., 2005
Buso, Paola; Cameran, Mara; Livatino, Massimo; Prencipe, Annalisa; Tettamanzi, PatriziaContabilità e bilancio. Esercizi2004
Buso, Paola; Cameran, Mara; Livatino, Massimo; Prencipe, Annalisa; Tettamanzi, PatriziaContabilità e bilancio. Esercizi2004
Buso, Paola; Cameran, Mara; Livatino, Massimo; Prencipe, Annalisa; Tettamanzi, PatriziaContabilità e bilancio: Esercizi (6 crediti)2002
Cameran, Mara; Livatino, Massimo; Prencipe, Annalisa; Tettamanzi, PatriziaContabilità e bilancio. Esercizi e temi d’esame2001